Community First Panel Meetings

Panel meeting held 24/02/2012 (Initial Planning Meeting)

Terms of reference agreed.

Panel membership confirmed- a business rep is to be identified.

Website set up - Facebook to be set up.

Role of panel partner discussed.

Requirement for Community First Plan discussed.

Launch date 4th April 2012 at Foresight agreed.

Promotional activity agreed.

Panel meeting held 18/04/2012

Business rep now identified.

14 Applications were considered - of which 3 were approved and a further 1 conditionally approved subject to alternative venue to be explored to reduce costs.

5 applications were deferred for further information.

5 rejected as either not in keeping with the fund or applicants not meeting requirements of the programme.

Balance of funding for year one - £15,432

Panel meeting held 09/05/2012

Absence of contact from youth rep noted - agreed to seek new rep.

Discussed further information released by CDF.

5 previously deferred applications were considered, of which 2 were deferred for further information/panel attendance by applicant.

And the remaining 3 rejected for various reasons.

3 New applications were considered, of which 1 approved and 2 deferred for further information / clarification of eligibility with CDF.

Balance of funding £ 13632

Panel meeting held 6/06/2012

3 previously deferred applications were considered, with 2 applicants in

Attendance and 1 written response all of which were approved subject to conditions.

(2 applicants subsequently withdrew applications)

2 New applications were then considered, of which 1 was approved and

1 rejected not meeting aims of the programme or demonstrating sustainability.

Balance of funding £10,554

Panel meeting held 20/06/2012

Panel considered 2 new applications and approved both.

Development of Community Plan discussed, content format etc agreed.

Further promotion of Community First Programme agreed - website, fliers at Grant Thorold Fete, Press Releases, Local radio

End of year one review.

9 projects approved, need for promotion agreed.

Balance of funding £4,431 (underspend for year one)

Panel meeting held 08/08/2012

Youth Representative agreed.

Three new applications were received of which one was approved, one approved in principle subject to applicant agreement and two deferred with a request that neighbourhood coordinator liaise with the applicants to develop the application budget.

Community First Plan – agreed that further consultation is needed to support the development of the plan. NHW groups, East Marsh Partners Network and School Parents Groups to be canvassed.

Balance of year two funding £24,486

Panel meeting held 10/10/2012

One deferred application considered and approved.

Two new applications approved.

Community First Plan - required to be registered with CDF by end of March 2013 to secure year three and four funding - need to evidence community consultation.

Discussed opportunities for consultation- explore planned Community Events for consultation opportunities.

Balance of year two funding £18,451

Panel meeting held 7th November 2012

Resignation of faith representative received.

Agreed to reduce panel membership to 7.

2 new applications were received of which one approved and one rejected as no indication that the proposed project met the aims of the programme Community First Plan

Agreed that panel commission community consultation - a draft tender for the same was approved for circulation to local voluntary organisations.

Agreed that up to £2000 be set aside from this years allocation to provide community consultation.

Local plans such as the Local Plan and Transport Plan to be reviewed for suitablility for reference within the plan.

Draft version of the plan circulated.

Balance of Year two funding £ 14,099

Panel meeting held 17th January 2013

Noted that youth representative has changed employment - contact required to confirm whether he is able to continue.

3 new applications considered and approved, one subject to budget confirmation.

Community First Plan

Consultation update provided, and outcomes being assessed for inclusion in the plan.

The current Local Plan is 10 years old and not appropriate for inclusion.

Draft Plan circulated electronically for comment.

Balance of year two funding £11,542

Panel meeting held 14/02/2013

Youth rep hopes to be able to continue subject to work arrangements.

Previous applications- an applicant has requested clarification having received the grant acceptance terms which include reference to the main objective being promotion of religeous beliefs-panle agreed that the application was appropriate as the main objective was personal development of those taking part in the project.

4 new applications were considered 2 were approved as they were presented, one approved subject to confirmation of eligibility and the remaining application approved but with an amendment to project and budget.

Community First Plan signed off by panel.

Balance of year two funding £4,819

Panel Meeting 14th March 2013

One new application approved.

Confirmed that Plan has been submitted to CDF.

Balance of year two funding £2,329

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