How to Apply

To apply for Community First Grant Funding you need to first check that your group is eligible to apply, in order to be eligible your group or organization must be a not-for-profit, third sector or voluntary organisation or community group and must;
  • be connected with and/or meeting the needs of the local community
have a bank account with 2 signatories
  • OR nominate an organisation which has a bank account with 2 signatories to hold funds on its behalf
  • have a governing document that has as a minimum the name, aim/purpose, objects, a dissolution clause for the organisation, a list of Trustees/Committee members, and
  • Trustees / Committee member signatures.  
(New groups are not required to have this in place, but should agree to develop one)
  • provide evidence of significant community participation in their application through the group’s matched element to the project
  • show that their project is in line with the priorities identified for the ward
and that your proposal meets one of the ward priorities which have been agreed following community consultation:
  • Provide Positive Activities for Young Persons
  • Make improvements to the environment
  • Provide activities which reduce Social Isolation
  • Improving resident’s economic wellbeing and employment opportunities
  • Improving Health
You then need to complete and return the Community First Neighbourhood Matched Fund Proposal Form which will be considered by the local panel and if approved forwarded to Community Development Foundation for processing. At this stage you will be requested to enter into a grant agreement with CDF.

Help and Support

An application form together with guidance notes and a sample Grant Acceptance document can be found in the attached Document Downloads

For an application form and assistance contact any panel member or John Willis, either telephone 01472 725941 or email:

Examples of what can be funded include:
  • the purchase of equipment, like a computer, oven, furniture
  • the costs of putting on a local event or workshop
  • training for volunteers
  • additional activities to expand an existing funded project
  • activities that support community activity
  • activities that meet an identified need in the local community
  • funding to support an organisation to achieve a quality or other standard relevant to their activities.
Community First cannot fund the following: 

  • statutory organisations, such as Local Authorities, Schools and the Police Force.
  • arms length public sector organisations that are controlled wholly or in part by, for example, a Local Authority, a Primary Care Trust or agencies of these
  • any party political activity
  • commercial ventures
  • organisations working in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland,
  • or those that primarily benefit communities overseas in Europe or elsewhere. (the grants must be used for activity within local communities in England).
  • certain types of activities that support Asylum Seeker groups. This funding cannot be used for the provision of services to asylum seekers when those services are inconsistent with immigration laws or Home Office policy. For the purposes of this fund, an ‘asylum seeker’ means a person who has brought an asylum or human rights claim in the UK which has not yet been determined by either the Secretary of State or, as applicable, any relevant appellate authorities. It also includes a person who is a dependant on such a claim. Further information can be found at:

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